2015年10月5日总理哈珀 (Stephen Harper) 宣布,有关“泛太平洋夥伴关係 (Trans-Pacific Partnership)” 的协商胜利结束,这份协定离加拿大史无前例地与美国签订的第一份自由贸易协定快有28年了。这次加拿大签订的 “泛太平洋夥伴关係”协定是史上最大的自由贸易协定,涵盖了12个国家的市场,有近8亿个顾客。
哈珀表示,保守党若能在本届大选胜出继续执政,将批准并实施这项历史性的协定,他指出,就像其他协定一样,泛太平洋夥伴关係协定也要经过国会全面审批和通过,才能贯彻实施。 哈珀说: “在当今世界经济环境下,我们只有拓展市场来为国内商业创造就业机会,进而确保长期经济成长和繁荣,并且保障国人拥有,同时创造薪资好的工作机会,除此以外,没有其他更可靠的方法了。” 泛太平洋夥伴关係协定在帮助加拿大的商业进入举世最具活力的市场同时,将会保障并创造本国的就业机会,且让本国经济在各个领域都有所成长。 加拿大现在已是七大工业国 (G7) 中,唯一一个在美国、美洲大陆、欧洲和亚太大陆──占世界经济超过六成──拥有自由贸易权的国家。 我们的11个夥伴国家,其国内生产总值 (GDP) 总和接近30兆──相当於加拿大经济规模的14倍。 泛太平洋夥伴关係协定将让我们能够进入一些以前未有签订自由贸易协定的市场──例如日本,这个世界第叁大经济体─它也进一步强化了我们与“北美自由贸易协定 (NAFTA)”的夥伴关係。 加拿大经济的各个领域和行业,都将受惠於泛太平洋夥伴关係协定,包含汽车、农业和我们的农产品供应管理。 随著泛太平洋夥伴关係协定的成功签署,保守党政府将使得同加拿大签有自由贸易协定的国家,从5个增加到51个。 加人超过五分之一的工作,与出口有直接关联。 “不像在贸易上几乎没有任何作为的自由党,或声言要撕毁协定的新民主党,保守党瞭解加拿大出口商能够与世界最好的同业竞争,并赢过他们。”哈珀强调: “加拿大保守党政府实际上为本国企业建立了进入世界市场的所有自由贸易关係,我们将继续为加拿大的商业和劳工开拓新的市场。” Today, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the successful conclusion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. This agreement has been reached almost 28 years to the day after Canada concluded our first-ever free-trade agreement with another country, the United States. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the largest free-trade agreement in history, represented by a 12-nation market of nearly 800 million customers. The Prime Minister announced that a re-elected Conservative Government would ratify and implement this historic agreement. He noted that, as with all trade agreements, TPP would be subject to full Parliamentary review and approval before it is passed and brought into force. “In a global economy, there is no more certain way to secure long-term economic growth and prosperity and to protect and create good, well-paying jobs for Canadians than by expanding markets for job-creating Canadian businesses,” the Prime Minister said. The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement will protect and create Canadian jobs, and grow every sector of our economy by giving Canadian businesses access to some of the most dynamic markets in the world. Canada will now be the only G7 nation with free trade access to all of the US and Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific continents – that’s over 60% of the world’s economy. Our 11 partner countries have a combined GDP of nearly $30 trillion – that’s 14 times the size of the Canadian economy. The TPP gives us access to new markets where we don’t currently have free-trade agreements – like Japan, the world’s 3rd largest economy – and it strengthens our partnership with our NAFTA partners. Every sector and region of the Canadian economy will benefit from the TPP, including the auto sector, agriculture, and our supply-managed agricultural sectors. With the successful conclusion of TPP, our Conservative Government has increased Canadian free-trade agreements from five to 51 countries. More than one in five Canadian jobs is linked directly to exports. “Unlike the Liberals who have almost no record on trade, or the NDP who have vowed to rip up the deal, Conservatives know that Canadian exporters can compete with the best the world has to offer, and win,” the Prime Minister said. “Canada’s Conservative governments have created virtually all of Canada’s free-trade access to the world and we will continue to open up new markets for Canadian businesses and workers.” This informaiton is from the office of Minister Jason Kenney of National Defence and Minister for Multiculturalism |