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加拿大联邦国防及多元文化部部长康尼参加“Walk with the Dragon"活动


Last week, I had the pleasure of joining more than 10,000 Canadians of diverse backgrounds, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino and others, for the Walk with the Dragon event in Surrey, BC. I was joined by my Parliamentary colleague, the Hon. Alice Wong, Minister of State for Seniors.

I was honoured to participate in the Dragon Eye-Dotting Ceremony, to symbolically wake up the impressive 100-foot SUCCESS dragon from its year-long hibernation. More than $400,000 was raised as a result of this fundraising walk that will help the SUCCESS Foundation continue their amazing work of helping new Canadians.

As always, please share this email with your friends and colleagues.


Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP
Calgary Southeast


This informaiton is from the office of Minister Jason Kenney of National Defence and Minister for Multiculturalism.

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