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One of many highlights of this year's Lunar New Year celebration was LunarFest's "World's Little Shepherd" installation. Hundreds of sheep started their journey in the Village of Cumberland (B.C), the town that was once the second largest Chinatown north of San Francisco, then gathered in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery in Downtown Vancouver and ended their tour in Toronto at the Harbourfront Centre. Since their appearance in February, thousands of Canadians have taken many pictures with the sheep as their way of celebrating Lunar New Year.

Last week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Minister Jason Kenney and Conservative Caucus members posed with the Sheep to officially close out Lunar New Year celebrations on Parliament Hill.

This informaiton is from the office of Minister Jason Kenney of National Defence and Minister for Multiculturalism.

(From left to right) Senator Victor Oh, Senator Yonah Martin, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Minister Jason Kenney, Minister Alice Wong, MP Wai Young and MP Chungsen Leung
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