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推荐活动: 二零一五金羊新春联欢晚会

2015 Chinese New Year Gala in Toronto
(also Toronto Community & Culture Centre 21 st Anniversary Event)

宗旨 Objective:
欢庆中国新年, 向为社区做出贡献的各界人士颁发成就奖项, 为青年就业服务筹募经费,并庆祝多伦多社区与文化中心服务社区21 周年。
Celebrate Chinese New Year, present the community award to the recipients who contributed to the community, and fundraise for the youth employment services. Also celebrate the 21 st Anniversary of Toronto Community & Culture Centre.

活动 Events:
颁发成就奖项, 中式晚宴, 文艺演出, 幸运抽奖
晚会颁奖委员会接受的各奖项提名 :
Excellent Tribute Awards: The Award Committee of Chinese New Year Gala in Toronto is accepting
nomination for the following awards:
专业人士成就奖/Professional Achievement Award­The Award recognizes exceptional professional achievements in the chosen fields.
优秀创业家奖/Excellent Entrepreneurship Award­The Award recognizes social and economic contribution of entrepreneurs in service, industry, and education sectors.
社区贡献奖/Community Contribution Award­The Award recognizes individuals’ outstanding contribution to the community development and services.
艺术成就奖/Artist Achievement Award­The Award recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of culture and arts.
青年领袖才艺奖/Youth Leadership Award­The Award recognizes excellent community leaders under 35 years of age.

赞助 Sponsorship (official receipts provided for donation portion):
Diamond Sponsor: $8800 (including 1 0 dinner tickets and full page ad in program book and an special award will be presented)
Gold Sponsor: $3800 (including 5 dinner tickets and full page ad in the program book)
Silver Sponsor: $1 000 (including 1 dinner tickets and a ½ page ad in the program book)
Corporate Sponsor: $500 (including 1 dinner tickets and a ¼ page ad in the program book)

Advertising opportunities on the front page and back page: Please contact organizer

晚会时间、 地点及票价 Time, Location and Ticket Price
Date: Friday, February 1 3, 201 5 at 7:00pm
Place: Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre (钓鱼台国宴)
Location: 901 9 Leslie St, Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 4A3
Table Price per 1 0 Persons: $880, VIP: $1 280 Special VIP: $1 680
($50/person for food cost, and the rest for charity donation credit)
Charity number: 88659 3854 RR0001
联系人姓名 、 电话 Contact Information
Diana Que 41 6­971 ­7883 Simon Zhong 41 6­576­9506 Leanne Wang 41 6­706­0207

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